Information About Restorative Dentistry Services

Our staff provides restorative dentistry solutions that are easily the most reliable in the field. Our skilled dentists at MINT dentistry in Canton, GA regularly repair enamel damage and replace missing teeth to regain function and a radiant look to your smile. We're skilled at things, like root canal therapy, dental crowns, and dentures. We urge you to review our restorative dentistry treatments and discover the ways our innovative techniques could help you have better oral wellness and seamless results.

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Utilized to address tooth loss, a dental bridge is a restoration made of a series of dental crowns that attach to surrounding teeth.

A custom dental crown from MINT can be used to fortify a weak tooth, repair tooth damage, or attach to an implant for tooth replacement.

MINT dentistry offers removable partial and full dentures to replace damaged or missing teeth to help revive your appearance and oral function.

Root canal therapy treats a tooth infected internally by removing the damaged pulp before filling the tooth roots.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.